Project Overview

We were contracted to clear and prepare the backside of the property for future use, ensuring it was ready for new tenants to move in and have more accessible land. This included addressing several key areas to make the site clean, safe, and functional, thereby enhancing the overall usability and attractiveness of the property.

Scope of Work

First, we removed the existing debris located on the backside of the property. This involved excavating and capping the old irrigation lines, removing the existing pallets, and dismantling the railroad ties. Additionally, we cleared the existing garden, demolished and removed the reinforced block wall, and pruned the low-hanging branches in the back-right (Southwest) corner. All debris was properly hauled away and disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. To restore the surface, we spread 11 loads of asphalt millings (approximately 20 tons per load) across the cleared area, which was graded to ensure proper drainage. One of these loads was specifically used to fill the potholes located in the back lot. The millings were then compacted to create a smooth surface.

Our team oversaw every aspect of this extensive project with care and attention to detail. Our management and execution of each phase ensured the project met the highest standards, resulting in significant improvements to the property. This project exemplifies our commitment to delivering high-quality, impactful solutions for property maintenance and development.

Job Progress