Maintenance Reports

BHI is a proactive commercial property maintenance company,

and one of our top priorities is to help save our clients time and money by making
them aware of maintenance issues before they become true full-blown emergencies.

Property Photos

Areas of Concern

Roof Report

Our goal is to help protect your investment. We help you prioritize projects, project future budgets, and prepare for any potential insurance claims. To help you, we provide custom reports that work best for you and your budget.

We can create reports for you on: Property Photos, Areas of Concern, Roof Reports, and Irrigation Reports. We can deliver them monthly, quarterly, or even on a per-call basis.

Contact us to create your custom report today, and protect your investment before it becomes an emergency.


Free Initial Maintenance Report (value: $300-$500)

One of our top priorities is to help save our clients time and money by making them aware of maintenance issues before they become true full-blown emergencies. Reports that we currently offer include: Property Photos, Areas of Concern, and Roof Reports.

*restrictions may apply

Property Photos

BHI will provide photos to document the current conditions of your property.

Receive organized, helpful photo reports. This can help you manage properties you own or manage that are not local. When you have a large portfolio and cannot be on site regularly, you can trust that our team will detail the condition of your properties consistently.

Example Custom Photo Report

Report and Photos attached for your convenience.

Emailed weekly, monthly, quarterly.

Alerts you to urgent issues.

What Clients Are Saying About Our Property Photo Reports

Areas of Concern

Along with the property photos, BHI can provide a list of concerns along with photos to document each item listed on the report.

Get notified of problems early! Your Areas of Concern report helps you catch problem areas before they become emergencies! We’ve managed hundreds of properties, and know when an Area of Concern should be addressed. Our experienced staff will list all the issues we find as well as suggested ways to address them.

Example Custom AOC Report

See Areas of Concern EARLY!

Monitor your properties, without leaving the office.

Focus on the most important issues.

What Clients Are Saying About Our Areas of Concern Reports

Roof Report

The Roof Report documents the general condition of your flat roof in terms of what is found there.
Your property’s roof is one of the most critical components of your property. For added peace of mind, our experienced staff will do a comprehensive visual inspection noting the condition of your gutters, exhaust vents, condensate lines, and more. But even more importantly, our team will alert you to those items in need of immediate attention.

Example Custom Roof Report

See roof details easily and quickly.

Trust our decades of experience to catch issues early.

Troubleshoot problem-spots together.